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Courses Recommended for First Years
Introductory Psychology Courses and Courses Recommended for First Years
PSYC BC1001 Introduction to Psychology. 3 points
This course is prerequisite for all other psychology courses. It is a lecture course introducing students to the chief facts, principles, and problems of human and animal behavior, through systematic study of a text, lectures, exercises, reading in special fields, and participation in several current experiments (an alternative to participation in experiments can be arranged at the start of the semester at the student's request.) Several sections are offered every semester.
PSYC BC1010 Introductory Laboratory. 1.5 points
This is a laboratory-based introduction to experimental methods used in psychological research. The examination of human behaviors will be explored through the evaluation of primary scientific literature, experimental design and control, empirical data collection, and statistical analyses. This course is for students who have not previously completed a psychology lab, and should be taken prior to the Junior year (a majority of the seats are reserved for first and second year students). Several sections of this course are offered every semester.
PSYC BC1020 Behavioral Research Methods and Analysis. 3 points
This course will introduce students to the fundamental scientific principles, experimental methods, and analytical approaches involved in the study of human behavior. The major topics to be covered, include: how basic scientific approach can be gainfully and ethically used to study human behavior; as well the most prevalent manners of collecting data in behavioral research, and the most common types of statistical analyses and tests such data is subjected to. The latter topics in the course will introduce some of the more advanced experimental designs and statistical approaches that are more specific to the social sciences. This course is offered every semester.
PSYC BC1088 Science of Living Well. 4 points
What does it mean to live a life well lived? The main mission of this course is to provide an up-to-date understanding of theoretical, empirical, and applied advances in the science of well-being and self-actualization. Consideration will be given to conflicting viewpoints and their respective empirical support, including the benefits of embracing both comfortable and uncomfortable emotions, the measurement and development of different models of well-being, and the implications of deliberately attempting to increase well-being. Throughout the course we will engage in experiential learning and practical exercises which will inform our theoretical and empirical understanding of the latest scientific findings and help you in your own personal journey to satisfy the fundamental needs of human existence and bring out the best in yourself. This course is comprised of a lecture and a discussion section.
PSYC BC1099 Science and Scientists. 1 point
Instructor permission required to enroll. This course consists of weekly meetings with researchers to discuss the nature of scientific inquiry in psychology; and intellectual, professional, and personal issues in the work of scientists. Note that this course cannot be used towards the major but might be useful to a student interested in Psychology. This course is offered every semester.
PSYC BC1101 Statistics. 4 points
Instructor permission required to enroll. This course is comprised of a lecture and a recitation. Lecture course introducing students to statistics and its applications to psychological research. The course covers basic theory, conceptual underpinnings, and common statistics. Recitation section is devoted to discussion of weekly problem assignments. Note that students who take ECON BC 2411 cannot also receive credit for PSYC BC 1101. This course is offered every semester.